Added on December 29, 2016
The federal bank regulatory agencies today announced the annual adjustment to the asset-size thresholds used to define small bank, small savings association, intermediate small bank, and intermediate small savings association under the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) regulations. The annual adjustments are required by the CRA rules. Financial institutions are evaluated under different CRA examination procedures based upon their asset-size classification. Those meeting the small and intermediate small institution asset-size thresholds are not subject to the reporting requirements applicable to large banks and savings associations unless they choose to be evaluated as a large institution. Annual adjustments to these asset-size thresholds are based on the change in the average of the
Added on December 13, 2016
As part of the upcoming 16.1 Comply release, RATA will be adding the Business and Farm data based on a census of businesses. Up to this point RATA has been using the CRA Aggregate peer business data for performance measures in our CRA Performance Evaluation reports. Many institutions have requested that we use the Business/Farm census data and we have decided to move forward with the latest data we could obtain. All reports that use this data will be offered in both the current aggregate versions and the census of businesses versions to increase your analysis options. This will be available to all customers licensed for Comply CRA at no additional charge. By adding this new data and functionality to the 16.1 release we have had to push the delivery dates of both 16.1 and the 17 beta
Added on November 11, 2016
The Comply DataMine analysis tool is RATA's new advanced custom report builder. RATA clients will now have the ability to build both custom pivot tables and custom executive reports using the power of Microsoft Excel, SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) and your Comply Database. With this powerful configuration you are able to create reports using combinations of your latest HMDA and CRA data, peer data, demographic data, deposit data and more. This new optional component is available for use with the 2015 HMDA and CRA peer data and will give customers much more flexibility for analyzing their own data compared to peer data by year, geography and additional filters. Regulators have been recently creating peer groups by asset size, rate spread percentages and geography. The new Peer Group
Added on November 8, 2016
As part of the upcoming HMDA changes, we are getting a lot of inquiries on two topics in particular. 1) Handling of the HMDA 2017 data submission in February 2018. There are no data changes to the HMDA 2017 data being submitted in February 2018. The only change to the HMDA 2017 submission is that the submission file itself will go from the current fixed-length record format to a pipe "|" delimited format. This change will be available in version 17 of the Comply software, to be released in 2017. 2) In regards to the Universal Loan Identifier (ULI), RATA Comply will be able to accept loans for 2018 either with or without ULI. As part of the Reporting Entity (RE) properties in Comply there will be a field for the Legal Entity ID (LEI). During the import process all loans that are not Action
Added on October 27, 2016
CFPB Puts 44 Mortgage Lenders and Brokers on Notice That They May Be Required to Report Mortgage Data WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is issuing warning letters to 44 mortgage lenders and mortgage brokers. The Bureau has information that appears to show they may be required to collect, record, and report data about their housing-related lending activity, and that they may be in violation of those requirements. "Financial institutions that fail to report mortgage information as required make it harder to identify and address discriminatory lending," said CFPB Director Richard Cordray. "No mortgage lender that is required to report their loan data can avoid this responsibility." The Home Mortgage Disclosure Act, which was originally enacted in
Added on October 11, 2016
We are pleased to announce the availability of Comply 2016. Both the full and update versions of the installation are available on the RATA Support site. We strongly recommend that you update as it contains the 2016 edit changes as well as numerous enhancements, fixes and the new optional Datamine and Audit tools. The Version 16.0 Changes document is available in the Resources section of the Comply Start page and includes highlights of the major changes. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us at 407-831-7282.
Added on September 30, 2016
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Friday released the survey of branch office deposits as of June 30, 2016, for all FDIC-insured institutions. The Summary of Deposits (SOD) annually provides deposit totals for each of the more than 91,000 domestic offices operated by more than 6,000 FDIC-insured commercial and savings banks, savings associations, and U.S. branches of foreign banks. Users can locate offices in a particular geographic area and create custom market share reports for a geographic area such as state, county, and metropolitan area.The FDIC has expanded the market share reports to allow users to see market growth and market presence for specific institutions. Data dating back to 1994 can be downloaded for analysis. To receive annual updates of the SOD, go to the
Added on September 29, 2016
The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) today announced the availability of data on mortgage lending transactions at 6,913 U.S. financial institutions covered by the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA). Covered institutions include banks, savings associations, credit unions, and mortgage companies. The HMDA data made available today cover 2015 lending activity and include: applications, originations, purchases and sales of loans, denials, and other actions related to applications loan amount loan type (conventional, Federal Housing Administration (FHA), Veterans Administration (VA), Rural Housing Service (RHS) or Farm Service Agency (FSA)) purpose (home purchase, home improvement, or refinancing) property type (1-4 family, multifamily, or manufactured housing) owner
Added on August 31, 2016
The new edition of the "Comply 365" newsletter has been released to give you the latest news on what's happening at RATA Associates.
Click here for the latest edition and articles...
Added on August 19, 2016
The RATA Comply Suite is currently the most robust compliance product on the market.Over the last few years we have been adding extensive amounts of functionality to help institutions streamline their processes. As part of our ongoing efforts to improve your RATA Comply experience with the products and services we provide, we are launching a Customer Care Review campaign to make sure you are aware of the functionality you have and that you are using it to its full extent. By appointment we would like to have a web meeting with your entire team to discuss: Your current processes Review the Comply components that you currently have Discuss any issues or challenges you are having related to HMDA/CRA, Fair Lending or Peer Analysis Discuss any questions you have regarding the 2018 HMDA
Added on August 18, 2016
he three federal banking agency members of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) with Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) responsibilities — the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency — announced today the availability of data on small business, small farm, and community development lending reported by certain commercial banks and savings associations, pursuant to the CRA. An FFIEC disclosure statement on the reported 2015 CRA data, in electronic form, is available for each reporting commercial bank and savings association. The FFIEC also has prepared aggregate disclosure statements of small business and small farm lending for all of the metropolitan
Added on July 15, 2016
The federal bank regulatory agencies with responsibility for Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) rulemaking today published final revisions to "Interagency Questions and Answers Regarding Community Reinvestment". The Questions and Answers document provides additional guidance to financial institutions and the public on the agencies' CRA regulations. The new and revised guidance addresses questions raised by bankers, community organizations, and others regarding the agencies' CRA regulations in the following areas: Availability and effectiveness of retail banking services. Innovative or flexible lending practices. Community development-related issues, including: (i) economic development; (ii) community development loans and activities that revitalize or stabilize underserved nonmetropolitan
Added on June 17, 2016
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation today announced the availability of the 2016 list of distressed or underserved nonmetropolitan middle-income geographies, where revitalization or stabilization activities are eligible to receive Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) consideration as community development. Distressed nonmetropolitan middle-income geographies and underserved nonmetropolitan middle-income geographies are designated by the agencies in accordance with their CRA regulations. The criteria for designating these areas are available on the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) website ( The designations continue to reflect local
Added on April 4, 2016
We have started a quarterly newsletter called "Comply 365" to give you the latest news on what's happening at RATA Associates.
Added on February 11, 2016
The Federal Reserve Board on Thursday announced the repeal of one regulation and a proposal to repeal a second in order to comply with statutory provisions that transferred certain consumer protection rulewriting authority to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). The Board repealed its Regulation AA (Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices) as proposed in August 2014 and is inviting public comment on the proposed repeal of Regulation C (Home Mortgage Disclosure). The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act) repealed the Board's authority to write rules that address unfair or deceptive acts or practices, which were contained in Regulation AA. Regulation AA included the Board's "credit practices rule," which prohibited banks from using certain
Added on February 3, 2016
UPDATE: 02/02/2016 The official 2018 HMDA changes document was finalized in October 2015. That document had many of the ideas that were finalized but it did not contain the technical details that we need as a software provider to implement the changes. Without the "official" enumerations for all of the new fields, and more specifically on the re-used but updated fields, it is hard for us to complete specifications for our programmers.We are currently in communication with the CFPB and are trying to get clarifications on the questions we have. Once we have these answers we are planning to implement them into Comply for the 2018 reporting years and forward. The Application screens will stay the same for all years prior to 2018 then 2018 will display the new fields and the new
Added on January 6, 2016
The federal bank regulatory agencies, the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, and the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund will host the 2016 National Interagency Community Reinvestment Conference in Los Angeles from February 8 to 10. This biennial conference offers participants from around the country the opportunity to learn about the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) and to discuss best practices and emerging challenges in community development. The conference agenda includes keynote presentations by Thomas J. Curry, Comptroller of the Currency; Martin J. Gruenberg, Chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; Amias Gerety, Acting Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions of the U.S. Department of Treasury; John C. Williams, President of the Federal
Added on January 6, 2016
The federal bank regulatory agencies, the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, and the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund will host the 2016 National Interagency Community Reinvestment Conference in Los Angeles from February 8 to 10. This biennial conference offers participants from around the country the opportunity to learn about the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) and to discuss best practices and emerging challenges in community development. The conference agenda includes keynote presentations by Thomas J. Curry, Comptroller of the Currency; Martin J. Gruenberg, Chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; Amias Gerety, Acting Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions of the U.S. Department of Treasury; John C. Williams, President of the Federal
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