Archives: 2021

RATA Associates: Holidays and Staffing

Added on December 23, 2021

RATA Associates would like to wish you and your team a very Happy Holiday Season!  We would also like to let you know that due to the holidays we will have limited staffing.  Our offices will be closed on Friday 12/24/2021 and Friday 12/31/2021.

We would like to wish you a Merry Christmas & Happy 2022.  Because you're so special.. instead of 1 card we just had to send 2! 😊


RATA Ready for 2020 Census Data

Added on December 23, 2021

(Geocoding, Mapping, Demographics and Geographic Areas) In preparation for the 2022 reporting year, we have updated our geocoding systems to return geocodes for 2022 based upon the 2020 Census Tracts, as defined by the Census Bureau. We are fully ready to return the correct tracts as soon as geocoding begins in earnest for the 2022 reporting year. As part of this update, there are several aspects that affect Comply directly as follows: A Demographic Update for the 2022 reporting year has been released. This incorporates the new 2020 Census Tracts, however, there is a caveat to this data. The demographics are not yet available from the FFIEC, so in order to keep reports and other aspects of Comply operating in the familiar fashion, we have copied forward the 2021 demographic data to the…

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2020 Census Tracts and Demographics

Added on December 15, 2021

As most of you are aware, the 2020 U.S. Census occurred two years ago. When preparing for the census, the Census Bureau redefines Census Tract boundaries based upon the estimated population of an area. After the census, these new Census Tract boundaries are updated with the demographic profile of the recorded data for that area. Typically the world moves forward with the census tract changes early in the year following the census, however, the CFPB/FFIEC typically lags by a year for HMDA/CRA purposes; they require the new data and boundaries beginning two years after the census (i.e. 2022) for purposes of data collection and submission. RATA Associates has been in the HMDA/CRA arena for over 30 years now and has been through this process twice already (1990 > 2000 and 2000 > 2010). We…

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RATA Now Recommends SQL 2017 or higher for Comply Installations

Added on December 7, 2021

For technical reasons and because support has ended for SQL 2012, the Comply 21 update now requires SQL Server 2014 or higher for both new installations and updates. Microsoft ended mainstream support for SQL Server 2012 on July 11, 2017, and extended support will be ending on July 12, 2022. SQL Server 2012 has inherent security issues that necessitate migration to newer versions. Comply always supports all versions of SQL Server that are in mainstream support. We will also try to support SQL Server through any extended support period as much as possible. But support for a SQL Server version cannot be guaranteed after mainstream support ends if there are potential security issues or there are important pieces of functionality that Comply requires. Mainstream support has also ended for SQL…

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Added on November 16, 2021

IMPORTANT MESSAGE: We have identified an issue with Comply 21.0 that has necessitated a change and will result in Comply 21.01 being released tomorrow, November 17th. If you have already downloaded the Comply 21.0 update, but have not yet embarked upon installation to your production systems, it would be in your best interest to await the 21.01 update. The issue that has arisen affects the Auto-Update feature as well as import operations using Auto-Pilot. There are workarounds for the issues, but if you haven't installed yet or you can do another update we would recommend the 21.01 version. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Please contact us if you have any questions. To all RATA Hosted Services (RHS) clients, we will be installing the 21.01 update tomorrow…

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