Added on July 23, 2024
RATA Associates is pleased to announce that the 2024 FFIEC Geographic and Demographic data is now available for all RATA clients and provided via Auto-Update or the RATA support website. Comply links to the updated demographics automatically once you update your system retroactively for the entire year. Updating your Comply system is accomplished in one of three ways: If you use Auto-Update to keep your system data up-to-date, and have the system set to auto-apply updates, then there is nothing for you to do as the system will have already updated the data for you. If you use Auto-Update, but have disabled the auto-apply feature, you should see the new data available in the Auto-Update window the next time you log in to Comply. You simply need to check the box next to the file and click
Added on July 15, 2024
The CFPB has released the official 2023 national HMDA peer data as of July 11, 2024. RATA downloaded the data and quickly formatted it for use in the Comply software, making sure to match all Institution IDs with the preliminary data that was released on March 26. By ensuring that the Institution IDs align with one another between these sets of data, all Peer Institution Groups created with the preliminary data will continue to work the same as before. It is the CFPB's intent to potentially release updates to the 2023 HMDA data based upon re-submissions, late submissions etc. and we intend to review the extent of any changes periodically to see if updates are warranted. Installation of the Peer data is accomplished as follows: For on-premise (client site) Comply installations Download the
Added on April 30, 2024
We're proud to announce the release of the new RHS Dashboard! We've added this new feature for RATA Hosted Services (RHS) Administrators, giving you the ability to log on to the RATA Support website and see a complete overview of your registered users currently within RHS. Currently this is only available on the Support website, but in October with the submission release, it will be available directly within Comply. The first panel on the dashboard displays the User Statistics for your organization. On the first row you'll see two circular graphs depicting the Number of Registered Users vs the Maximum Number of Users Available, as well as Number of Online Sessions vs Concurrent Sessions Available. These graphs will automatically change colors as you get closer to your
Added on April 2, 2024
On January 10th, the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), in conjunction with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), announced that changes to Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) and Metropolitan Divisions (MDs) published by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on July 21, 2023, were being adopted for the 2024 reporting year. This update also incorporates the Connecticut County-Equivalent changes published by the US Census Bureau to the Federal Register on June 6, 2022. The regulators did not do the industry any favors by announcing the adoption of these changes 10 days into the reporting year. All commercial geocoders were caught off guard by the sudden change, and are currently working to bring these changes in line for geocoding purposes, but to
Added on April 1, 2024
Since the release of Comply 23.0 in late October of last year, our team has been actively making changes and adding features to improve your Comply experience. This version brings those changes to your system, which include: Auto-Update has returned to the standard secure port of 443, removing the need to whitelist and permit traffic on port 5420 Ability to create custom permission sets for SBL Ability to run custom charts and tables for SBL Additional functionality added to the Compare tool for comparing original and standardized addresses Geographic Area filtering now supports Majority and High minority tract status in addition to Substantial For more details and a complete list of changes, please see the changes document, located on the Start Page under Resources (also available on the
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