RATA Comply Peer-2-Peer
Comparison & Ranking Peer Analysis

The RATA Comply™ Peer-2-Peer product is an add-on module that is designed to help institutions gauge how they compare and rank with their peers. Comply Peer-2-Peer offers any institution the power and flexibility needed to analyze the much-anticipated and publicized pricing data as well as other prohibited-basis information to determine if disparities are present. By comparing your numbers with similar institutions, you can see if your numbers stand out in the crowd and where changes or improvements can be made to your practices to better compete in the CRA and HMDA lending categories.

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Peer Analysis

With Comply Peer-2-Peer, YOU have the power! You select the Comparator institution and the Geographic Area that you would like to focus your analysis on. Once you have determined the geographic area, you can filter the LAR data, select institutions you consider to be your peers via criteria such as volume or geographic vicinity, and then run the reports. It is that easy!

The Comply Peer-2-Peer product produces many different types of reports. You can run Individual Comparator reports, Loan Summaries by Census Tract reports, Peer Ranking reports by top or closest peers and Peer Summary reports. Reports can be batched together and saved as sets, or run individually.

There is no longer any need to wonder how you compare to other institutions. With Comply Peer-2-Peer, information regarding HMDA and CRA data is available at the click of a button. Don't let Community Groups analyze your data before you do.

Peer Analysis Reports

The Comply Peer-2-Peer Analysis tool is the most flexible and efficient way to compare your lending patterns to that of your peers. Keep in mind that all reports are templates and you create the Geographic Service Areas, the filters, the filter tiers and you select all of the peers to compare against for each geography and filter. Below are just a small subset of the reports that you can create.


Report Creation

The Comply Peer-2-Peer Analysis tool is the most flexible and efficient way to compare your lending patterns to that of your peers. Keep in mind that all reports are templates and you designate the Comparator or Corporate Group (collection of comparator institutions treated as a single institution), Geographic Area(s), filter(s) and the Peer Institution Group to compare against for each geography and filter. Below are just a small subset of the reports that you can create.

Individual Comparator

The Individual Comparator reports will give you detailed lending information on any institution or Corporate Group. All of these reports are based on standard regulatory examination reports and can be run as individual, top peers combined or all selected peers combined. As with all of the other reports, you have full control over the filtering of the applications.

Loan Summaries by Census Tract Characteristics

The Loan Summary by Census Tract Characteristics reports are a great way to size up your institution to your closest 3 peers. These reports will break your data up into every conceivable category and you control the Geographic Area(s) and the filter(s). The Top Peer Market Share will actually compare your volume to your Top Peers, the All Selected Peers, then the entire Market!

Ranking Reports

Ranking reports are divided up into two categories, Top Peer Rankings and Closest Peer Rankings.

The Top Peer Rankings will show you the Top (you choose the number) of Peers for a given Geographic Area, filter and Reporting Agency. While the Closest Peer Ranking will show you the institutions just above and below you in the categories you choose. Rankings can be done on Total Applications, Filtered Applications, Filtered Percentage or Market Share.

Peer Summaries

The Peer Summary reports provide a comparison of a comparator's Market Penetration or Market Share with selected Peers. These reports can be run using either the geography at the State or MSA/MD level of the market or by individual Loan Application Register (LAR) fields providing loan count and sums of loan amount with percentages.

Find out what Comply Peer-2-Peer can do for you!

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